This blog is a bit of a diary about my trip last week, mainly so I don't have to repeat myself a million times telling everyone about it. They can read this then ask if they want more detail.
Sunday 20 October
I'm packed and ready to go. My daughter left on Friday for the Junior World Karate Championships in Santiago, Chile and I am on the way to join her so I can see her compete on the world stage. All the hours of training and the dedication come down to this week and this tournament.

I arrived at 6pm and it was time for food so Juliet rushed me to the Chinese next door before the curfew came into effect and, with her reasonable Spanish, ordered me a nice dinner. I learnt a bit about the protests and curfew, then met a few of the parents in the bar at the hotel. Enjoyed a cold beer after all the travel. Unpacked and got myself to bed at a reasonable time.
Monday 21 October

I enjoyed wandering around the shopping area. There were so many trees in the city which was lovely. As my bag had not arrived, I needed to buy some clothes. Luckily I had one change in my backpack as shops were hard to find. Eventually found one where I could buy a couple of tops and underwear to keep me going. We ate dinner in the hotel that night as the curfew was at 6pm so no real chance to go out.
There was a lot of discussion as to whether or not the whole tournament would actually happen, mainly due to security issues. Some of the teams went home, including Japan which was a strong contender for medals in many divisions. I think the discussion and the work that went into keeping the tournament going is best summed up in this post from Davide Benetello, the WKF Athletes Commission Chairman. It is well worth a read.
Tuesday 22 October
My bag still hadn't arrived so went out again and found a clothes shop where I managed to get a jacket and a couple of shirts. Fascinating watching the people as the day went on. All of the shops started to close about 3 and there were huge queues for the buses due to there only being one line running in the underground. I never felt unsafe in the city but we did cross the road occasionally when there was a large group of protestors heading our way.
This article explains a bit more about what was going on over this time.

We had a group dinner that night at the Chinese next to the hotel. The curfew had been moved until 8pm so we didn't go far. Nice to get to know some more of the parents and competitors.
Due to the unrest, we were told that only 2 people per competitor, and only the ones competing that day were allowed to go to the tournament, all due to security. At that stage we were still really not sure if we would be able to go and support the team at all unless our child was competing. The World Karate Federation also supplied buses each day from the hotel to the venue which was great, we were going to take the subway but with the unrest here WKF was very aware of keeping everyone safe. We went back to the hotel late afternoon, another beer (thirsty work in the heat) and off to bed.
Wednesday 23 October

Back to the hotel before curfew and had the team meeting, just updating us all on how things had gone that day and where to for the next day.
Thursday 24 October

Back to the Irish bar, they started to get to know us quite well by the time we left. Due to no supermarkets being open we had to eat out a lot (what a shame) so it was nice to find a good place close to the hotel.
In all of the bars and restaurants we went to they had CNN Chile on a TV so we saw a lot of what was going on around us. We were kept informed each day and knew that we were fine where we were and just needed to be careful about going out places. I also got emails from the Safe Travel site, well worth being on that as they kept me updated each day via email and the latest info was on their site.
Friday 25 October

One of the parents introduced me to the board/card game Sequence. We have had lots of time at the hotel so we have been playing it a lot over the last few days. I'm keen to get it for home, great strategy game with quite a lot of luck as well.
I saw my one and only cat today. Not many around at all. Plenty of dogs out and about but not cats.
Got up and watched the rugby, it was on at 5am here so not too early. Had some interesting conversations with the Aussies, Scots and English coaches and supporters once we got to the stadium. I will say that the Scots were quite upset that we lost!! Watched our under 21 males compete, one through to top 16. Had to leave the venue early due to a protest heading that way. WKF asked all those not competing to leave as early as they could. Spent the afternoon packing then headed out to a different hotel for the final team dinner. Gorgeous views!
Sunday 27 October
Up early again for the last day of competition. Had to take my suitcase with me for my flight back home. Watched Juliet fight. She was amazing. The Russian that she lost 3-1 to went on to win 5 fights and finally lost 1-0 to the French in the semi final which meant Juliet just missed out on a repecharge. She was happy though as she was the Russians second lowest scoring fight (behind the French girl) and the only one to score on the Russian when she was up on points. Amazing effort and great to watch.
I had to leave for the airport early but as I was in the cab I got a message saying my flight was delayed by 6 hours so I went back to the venue and watched some more fights before finally going out to the airport. With the flight being that late, it meant I missed my connecting flight into Christchurch. Couldn't change my flight at all to get back any earlier so I ended up getting food vouchers for meals and a night in a Sydney hotel thanks to Qantas. I also had a spare seat next to me on the plane, very handy for stretching out. Got a few hours sleep at the hotel then had to get up early to get to the airport, only to find my flight to Christchurch had been delayed as well. Security is certainly higher in Sydney, any liquid has to be in a plastic bag and put out for scanning and I got to have a full body scan and all of the passengers and their bags were dusted for gunpowder and explosives. Finally through and onto the plane for the final flight home.

However, the last bit just made my whole trip hysterical. You will so not believe this. We landed in Christchurch and they first said we can get off the plane but there will be no baggage for a while due to lightning strikes so all ground staff have been instructed to stop being outside until the storm passes. I just laughed! The whole trip has been delay after delay. Then about 10 minutes later they said we couldn't even get off the plane, so I wrote more of my blog while I waited. Eventually after 30 minutes we managed to get off the plane and get through customs and finally home.
Nice to be back but I certainly don't regret going. A real experience and one I will never forget for so many different reasons.
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