What a year. It has been full of ups and downs with many ongoing, but also a very productive and positive year.
It started with a really positive vibe, being involved in my first year of competitive Dragonboat racing, personal stuff going well and looking forward to my first full year of work for a while. Life is not an easy road by any means and I seem to have a few cattle stops along the way, just to keep me on my toes and to make me remember what is really important in life. As the year went on there were times where life was not easy, but as always, I get through it. I wonder why we worry so much sometimes. It always seems to come right eventually.
Highlights for 2019:
I made it through the year at work. You may think that is not unusual, but for me it is. Having had concussion over the last couple of years, and cancer before then, it was a real achievement to make it through the whole year without being absent for medical reasons. Not that there wasn't yet another medical event in my life - my collision of my toes with the couch has become an ongoing problem, from April 8th to now, and ongoing until I see the surgeon next April - it's been a mission. Thankfully I have an amazing physio at Tower Junction Physio who made a diagnosis and is helping me cope until I can get it seen to.
Dragonboating. It's been a really great sport for me to be involved in. I enjoy the training and, because I am a little bit competitive, the competitions. I got my first ever trophy this year - very exciting. Hoping to get a medal of the gold variety in 2020 - working hard towards that. I think I really enjoy doing something for myself, not for others. Getting out on the water just takes me to another place and it's nice to have that escape from the world.
Our school production. It's a passion for me to do shows and I loved getting our ākonga and kaiako together to put on a production. My thanks have to go to Michael Sharp for writing his production of Kauri - the Giant of the Forest. It was the perfect show for us to start with and has inspired our ākonga to write their own for 2020. Looking forward to that.
Chile. Watching my daughter compete at the World Junior Karate Championships in Chile was amazing (read my blog here). I am so proud of what she has achieved and to be able to see her compete on the world stage was a real bonus.
Shows. I talk about our school show, but I have also seen a number of productions this year with both my son and daughter in them. So proud to see them up there performing, either on stage or in the band. They are both super talented and I'm looking forward to seeing more of their artistic talents on show over the coming years.
Haeata. I love this kura. I love working there. The people are passionate about changing education and we all work together to try and make things better for our ākonga. It is a real pleasure to work alongside these kaiako and I have learnt so much from so many of them. We do things so differently, but work so well together. An example of this was summed up well by Karyn in her blog which you can read here. I had some amazing letters from students who were leaving, which just reminded me of the important work we do in our community.
Conferences. I love learning. Being part of the NZ Microsoft Innovative Educator network is a real bonus. I learn a lot from them and love being around these inspiring educators. I enjoyed the Future of Learning conference as well - great to see what others are doing in the education and business space.
Challenges for 2019:
Staff changes. I think Karyn sums this up well with her words for Andy's farewell. I have found it quite hard this year with a number of original staff leaving, many in leadership and often those with whom I had a good bond with. It's not been easy and there have been many tears shed over the year. But as Karyn so clearly states in this blog, we still have the vision and that is why we went there in the first place.
Personal. Oh, there have certainly been some moments over the year. Some very personal, some very difficult. Some ongoing, some resolved. I think that I have grown as a person over the year to realise that I really have no control over anything. Life will happen around me and I need to be grateful for what I have, not for what I would like to have, or what I think should happen. I have been watching this Ted talk (Own your behaviours, master your communication) on repeat lately, getting my head around being in the chairs I want to be in. It's been a work in progress.
Work. It's not easy, what we are doing takes courage and commitment. Many people slam us when they can, and many just have no idea what we are doing but seem to have all the answers for us. I believe in what we do, it's just hard sometimes to enlighten others.
My foot. I'm actually quite over not being able to walk in bare feet for very long or wear sandals or nice shoes. I'm over the pain and the annoying exercises and strapping. I'm looking forward to next year to hopefully get it fixed in some way.
Looking forward to 2020:
Boma NZ Education Fellows Programme. Super excited to be part of this for 2020. I have some great ideas and I will be blogging about these as the year goes on. Looking forward to a trip to the USA in April as well. An amazing opportunity which I will make the most of.
Shows. Looking forward to finishing writing our own production for Haeata. To have our own ākonga write and perform this will be very special. I also have my own production to do. I am Musically Directing West Side Story for Kirwee Players in August. It will be good to be back musically directing again. It's been a while.
Dragonboating. I really want a gold medal this year. We got silver and bronze medals last year at the South Island and National Champs. I'm keen on gold. It's been good training hard and I feel I am improving all the time.
Work. Driving and supporting change in education. Learning more. Reflecting more. Working on improving my own practice.
Personal. More meditation. More exercise. More sitting in the purple chair.
So as Christmas day comes to an end, I've had a great day. I've cleaned the house and the pool, been for a walk, had a ham sandwich for lunch, written a song, written a blog and spent a lot of time reflecting on what has been and looking forward to what is to come.
Really, all I can do is live in the moment and that is what I am going to try and do more of.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.
Wednesday, 25 December 2019
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Trip to Santiago, Chile
This blog is a bit of a diary about my trip last week, mainly so I don't have to repeat myself a million times telling everyone about it. They can read this then ask if they want more detail.
Sunday 20 October
I'm packed and ready to go. My daughter left on Friday for the Junior World Karate Championships in Santiago, Chile and I am on the way to join her so I can see her compete on the world stage. All the hours of training and the dedication come down to this week and this tournament.

I arrived at 6pm and it was time for food so Juliet rushed me to the Chinese next door before the curfew came into effect and, with her reasonable Spanish, ordered me a nice dinner. I learnt a bit about the protests and curfew, then met a few of the parents in the bar at the hotel. Enjoyed a cold beer after all the travel. Unpacked and got myself to bed at a reasonable time.
Monday 21 October

I enjoyed wandering around the shopping area. There were so many trees in the city which was lovely. As my bag had not arrived, I needed to buy some clothes. Luckily I had one change in my backpack as shops were hard to find. Eventually found one where I could buy a couple of tops and underwear to keep me going. We ate dinner in the hotel that night as the curfew was at 6pm so no real chance to go out.
There was a lot of discussion as to whether or not the whole tournament would actually happen, mainly due to security issues. Some of the teams went home, including Japan which was a strong contender for medals in many divisions. I think the discussion and the work that went into keeping the tournament going is best summed up in this post from Davide Benetello, the WKF Athletes Commission Chairman. It is well worth a read.
Tuesday 22 October
My bag still hadn't arrived so went out again and found a clothes shop where I managed to get a jacket and a couple of shirts. Fascinating watching the people as the day went on. All of the shops started to close about 3 and there were huge queues for the buses due to there only being one line running in the underground. I never felt unsafe in the city but we did cross the road occasionally when there was a large group of protestors heading our way.
This article explains a bit more about what was going on over this time.

We had a group dinner that night at the Chinese next to the hotel. The curfew had been moved until 8pm so we didn't go far. Nice to get to know some more of the parents and competitors.
Due to the unrest, we were told that only 2 people per competitor, and only the ones competing that day were allowed to go to the tournament, all due to security. At that stage we were still really not sure if we would be able to go and support the team at all unless our child was competing. The World Karate Federation also supplied buses each day from the hotel to the venue which was great, we were going to take the subway but with the unrest here WKF was very aware of keeping everyone safe. We went back to the hotel late afternoon, another beer (thirsty work in the heat) and off to bed.
Wednesday 23 October

Back to the hotel before curfew and had the team meeting, just updating us all on how things had gone that day and where to for the next day.
Thursday 24 October

Back to the Irish bar, they started to get to know us quite well by the time we left. Due to no supermarkets being open we had to eat out a lot (what a shame) so it was nice to find a good place close to the hotel.
In all of the bars and restaurants we went to they had CNN Chile on a TV so we saw a lot of what was going on around us. We were kept informed each day and knew that we were fine where we were and just needed to be careful about going out places. I also got emails from the Safe Travel site, well worth being on that as they kept me updated each day via email and the latest info was on their site.
Friday 25 October

One of the parents introduced me to the board/card game Sequence. We have had lots of time at the hotel so we have been playing it a lot over the last few days. I'm keen to get it for home, great strategy game with quite a lot of luck as well.
I saw my one and only cat today. Not many around at all. Plenty of dogs out and about but not cats.
Got up and watched the rugby, it was on at 5am here so not too early. Had some interesting conversations with the Aussies, Scots and English coaches and supporters once we got to the stadium. I will say that the Scots were quite upset that we lost!! Watched our under 21 males compete, one through to top 16. Had to leave the venue early due to a protest heading that way. WKF asked all those not competing to leave as early as they could. Spent the afternoon packing then headed out to a different hotel for the final team dinner. Gorgeous views!
Sunday 27 October
Up early again for the last day of competition. Had to take my suitcase with me for my flight back home. Watched Juliet fight. She was amazing. The Russian that she lost 3-1 to went on to win 5 fights and finally lost 1-0 to the French in the semi final which meant Juliet just missed out on a repecharge. She was happy though as she was the Russians second lowest scoring fight (behind the French girl) and the only one to score on the Russian when she was up on points. Amazing effort and great to watch.
I had to leave for the airport early but as I was in the cab I got a message saying my flight was delayed by 6 hours so I went back to the venue and watched some more fights before finally going out to the airport. With the flight being that late, it meant I missed my connecting flight into Christchurch. Couldn't change my flight at all to get back any earlier so I ended up getting food vouchers for meals and a night in a Sydney hotel thanks to Qantas. I also had a spare seat next to me on the plane, very handy for stretching out. Got a few hours sleep at the hotel then had to get up early to get to the airport, only to find my flight to Christchurch had been delayed as well. Security is certainly higher in Sydney, any liquid has to be in a plastic bag and put out for scanning and I got to have a full body scan and all of the passengers and their bags were dusted for gunpowder and explosives. Finally through and onto the plane for the final flight home.

However, the last bit just made my whole trip hysterical. You will so not believe this. We landed in Christchurch and they first said we can get off the plane but there will be no baggage for a while due to lightning strikes so all ground staff have been instructed to stop being outside until the storm passes. I just laughed! The whole trip has been delay after delay. Then about 10 minutes later they said we couldn't even get off the plane, so I wrote more of my blog while I waited. Eventually after 30 minutes we managed to get off the plane and get through customs and finally home.
Nice to be back but I certainly don't regret going. A real experience and one I will never forget for so many different reasons.
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Sunday, 6 October 2019
NZ MIEE Hui 2019 notes day two
Notes from Day Two of the hui
If a
visitor to your school walks into a typical classroom what might we see
students doing with technology?
Building Inclusive Learning experiences - Becky Keene
A lot
going on with Microsoft
Make sure
students have access to the tools they need
i2e and
Phygital Labs
"Students would rather go without than stand out. We need to move from assuming access to ensuring access in classrooms" Robin Lowell
learning tools should be:
Built in
Write an
accessibility success on sticky notes
Write a challenge
inclusive activity - if had a physical activity couldn't move, some people
didn't have materials, some can't write/spell, processing can't do that
quickly, didn't label spaces of where to put them
Some of the things we do are not inclusive at all.
universal design for learning
highlighter for line focus
accessibility checker on anything you use (built into all office products):
Use Style
sets available
Get into
the habit so when you have a student who really needs it you are using it
Helping students read in a
new way - Immersive reader in OneNote
thinking skills in Immersive reader
- syllabification
recognition - sentence structure
focus - abstraction
selection - algorithmic thinking
taken by over 100000 educators - basic understanding of dyslexia
immersive reader view while writing
gains by allowing students to dictate
spell checker in word - definitions and synonyms and also have it read aloud
in word - pulls out inclusive speech corrections - inclusivity checker
Will flag
these and ask you to change to more inclusive language
Challenges: Dyslexia,
Dyscalculia, mobility impairments
tools in OneNote
Can use
immersive reader to read the equations as well
Can also
have practice quiz on an equation
Lots of
students will do this at home
Coach in Power point online - Rehearsal
Example: - picked up "you guys"
at end of presentation
if you are teaching deaf students
Real time
meeting captioning in Teams is coming
Watch TV
with captioning on - need text support for some people
lingual parent nights in own language
he was doing well hiring interpreters but then a woman from Russia came and he
didn't have one. He felt he had done everything but still not enough - started
using translator
Used to
do them after the other nights- better to be real time in the moment
parent nights in real time
Make some
noise about languages for here - Māori, verbal
refugee languages
Tweet to
MS translator - ask for Māori
Tongan and Samoan
Zoom in -
use magnifier - figured it would be there because it's windows
know what you need until you need it
lens - scanner in your pocket
Seeing AI
- only on iOS
25 yr old
woman with black hair looking happy - male female/ageist
matters with inclusion
software to use:
- immersive reader built in - press i on keyboard for reader and picture
reader built in to many apps now
No one
should have to ask for access, it should just be there
Use this
chat/tweet @MSFTEnable
against the machine - Trent Ray
How do we
use tech in the classroom to build future capable learning?
What did
you want to be when you grow up?
experience designer - had to hire someone to know how people interact with
miner - can manipulate data
media manager
services specialist - 100% increase for these roles in Linkedin
manager - look after avatars while they can't attend to them
needed to branch out of teaching:
teaching for the love not the money - started a side thing of Kids Disco
Parties - had 12 Djs, over 350 parties a yr in Melbourne
Collective Education - supporting schools
Safety Project - in schools - do a show
FutureLearning Academy - online teacher portal
How to
find time in a day to do all of that
exciting - lots of learning to be done
Life -
you will continue to learn
asking what they want to be but what problems do you want to solve
Making it
Nephew an
inventor Joshua Ray
ideas - looking for problems and way to solve them
How does
he use the technology at school?
teachers not really using the power of the tech - use for creation rather than
just consumption

data - how much has this changed?
If asked to
develop an animation on a skill you need:
of tech
What an
animation is? Which would be the best?
Who is
your audience? How do you best communicate?
Purpose -
how will it support?
Then why?
Move from
consumption to creation
Student -
where he will learn in the future?
Online -
too much communication, too little, distractions
quality an issue
platforms, self regulate, communicate
Where he
will work?
When he first started working at Microsoft he was told: you know
that Microsoft is not a place you go, it's a thing you do.
to being totally flexible but really hard. Manage self, communicate and
Collaborate. Lots of challenges
What will
he do?
What is
the value of humans in a high tech world?
What can
we do with one
empathy - limbs
3D printed hip
reality - Hololens, Virtual reality
Minecraft - export into 3D paint
AI and
machine learning:
accessibility features
about it as Augmented intelligence. Tech will become part of the biosphere.
How will it improve our lives
about ethics with young people as well
How might
we access AI to create a better world?
that helps improve gender bias
AI forgood challenge - ways we can promote AI as positive
every human need to learn how to code? No - but will need to know how to edit and
work with code
these out - emotions API - can develop apps that can detect emotions
Age app -
predict how old you are
Qnamaker.ai - Build a
chatbot for your website
cool and fun to play with tech
that are innovators love this stuff
putting a gadget in the hands of a
student automatically mean that they are engaged in learning?
How do
you expect these technology trends to impact on learning?
impact unless teachers embrace and guide and actively manipulate it to impact
learning. It won't unless teachers do something
Have to
think about the pedagogy around it
How will
it impact on cognitive thinking? Think about the calculator. Immersive reader
is reading so do we need learn to read?
If the load
of learning how to read is removed, do we need to look at deeper comprehension instead?
What is
it that students really need to learn?
hubs popping up everywhere
toys - which ones should we buy
looks up on youtube how to use things
or Edutainment - technology engages students - is it just edutainment? We need
purposeful engagement.
Why do we
want this tech in the hands of kids, then what teachers need, then spaces, then
which tech
are in the drivers seat - need skills and mindset to do this
1 in 10
teacher had recent PD to help students develop future capabilities
How can
we inspire educators to shape future capable learners?
What does
it mean to be future capable?
Enrol to
join the future learning academy
how he worked collaboratively with others using tech
tech and purposeful pedagogy
Sharing session 1 - Integrating Minecraft across yr 4-6 - Kelsie Laing and Adele Warburton
This is
your for Minecraft for play - and this is your Minecraft for learning
- 8 and 9 year olds so fast and can explain everything
They also
like to teach the teachers
fluency and collaboration
for staff - get students to run this
not necessarily consumption
Uses 21CLD
skills: Critical
thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Flexibility, Leadership, Initiative, Productivity, Social
devices - not 1 to one
Yr 4
and division problems - signs and solve
re-create - for literacy
Plan -
make sure they are on the tool for learning
in Minecraft is great - reading for a purpose, understanding of story as well
Set up
the world and then students get them to join your world
dashboard - can get all to finish at once
on empathy - Empathy Village
key words, then design a building for the family
Arrays -
different way to teach multiplication and division
thought I was playing but I was actually learning new things"
to see how it is impacting their learning
Yr 5/6
- started as literacy but morphed into social science and maths
trap the tomb
a texture pack with hieroglyphs
Clear set
of rules they co-construct together, otherwise you get a whole heap of pandas
spawning or crazy things happening. If they don't then they have whole class out for a week.
make tower with 35% of one colour
different fractions - making fractions, ordering common fractions
In my
world - teleport to someone and chat with them
Can model
Healthy food village - on Minecraft education site - collaborate to make whole village
coaster through digestive system
world came out of Schoolkit.co.nz free resource of ANZAC
Methven - like the build Melbourne one
you need kids said: Listening,
respect others, creative, sharing, put ideas together, have to think
about thinking
sit on hands so don't do it for them
Don't rip
up book in real world so don't destroy others work
Kids come
up with manifesto together - link of theirs going into OneNote
Minecraft challenge cards - on website
2 - Implementing Digital Tech Curriculum - a cross curricular approach - Cathy
Only DT kaiako in school. Doing the implementation herself
in tech/art/languages
prog outcomes up to yr 9, Yr 10
it's an option
in microbits - Making
Why need
to change - not transferring the skills
Had full
staff meeting about what it was and why, then broke into smaller hubs
why, CT, DDDO
curriculum in other subjects
Asked for
volunteers to progress it further
documentary on why coding is important to teach and learn video
"If you
don't know something about how computer systems work and how you can program
them at some elementary level, you run the risk of being programmed
reaction was terror from staff
create a chatbot, build a minecraft world - need to know of other options for
assessment that cover DT curriculum
and DDDO
teacher in CT workshop - need a nudge sometimes
outside school
for teachers outside of school
in Education workshops as well
Full day
of PD for Leaders of Learning
from industry came in to talk - they would
employ barista over graduate
Can teach
anyone anything, but the barista can interact with people
on CT and DDDO
bin - put in and spits out something useful - looking at the problem that it
would solve
Then went
into real problems
- put in picture, links to help people know each other
Met with
each Leader of Learning - looking at their units yr 7-10 and look at ways DT
curriculum to their units.
If it
doesn't add value there is no point adding
leaders excited by the end of it
Yr 9
science - soil health - use microbits
in Religious studies- looking
at audience and making sure it is appropriate
Know what
you want to achieve
Set the
change in context, be clear about why
Time to
get staff comfortable
Time to
listen to concerns - triangle, square and circle
Time to
work with small groups
If it's
not adding value, don't do it
PE dept to write and teach them how to run orienteering unit
forcing students, can still do poster but there are options
every student in yr 7-10 will engage with the DT curriculum in some way
Q - time
for leaders to get this
Has half
a unit to do this, not much time
Be good to have a
digital type of SCT - make that a position - at the moment it is anything to do with computing see
Tied into
a COL role possible
For staff
to deliver it more important shouldn't just be Mathletics or note
taking and research
getting off substitution level
it real with Microsoft - Challenge - Trent Ray
toolkit that teachers can pick up
canvases to help students engage
What do
you want to be when you grow up? changing to: What problems do you want to solve
when you grow up?
them to be ready to do this
Evidence, Assess, Report 21CLD
In Aus
teachers have to report on their student's critical thinking and collaboration skills
students are working on REAL projects what does it look like? - answer
this on empathy map in groups
If they
are going to be successful in this learning environment - what capabilities or
skills do they need?
- allocate roles
level collaborators - how are we fostering that level of collaboration
Need to
work with them to be ready for that type of learning
regulation - manage self, focussed on what needs to be done
listening - communication skills - respectfully disagreeing
Able to
fail - resilience - failure is a learning opportunity
Speak and
listen effectively
skills - may be able to use with different things
thinking - able to critique, take on feedback and apply it
projects are opportunities to build multiple capabilities
problems - multi faceted and multi layered
thinking - able to split into smaller parts
people cannot solve global warming on their own - but could have an impact in their
local community.
How can
we break down and get students to break this down - want to be able to see the
What will
some of the wicked problems be:
Nature of
humanity - AI
Sustainability goals are wicked problems. Can all play a role but together we
achieve more
Too big
from a class perspective
What if
we could build artificial forests? What if we could share our sustainable
actionable ideas students can action in the local community. Or even look
closer to themselves.
authentic and accessible are your real world challenges?
How do we
connect students to problems - maybe look at the local perspective - shower too
short for his height
Not one
thing in the school that showed who was here before them on that land. Now
houses have names of people before them
Narrative for us - can see visibly who was here before us
We have
nothing to cook with - design a local garden. Can't cook in kitchen until have
sustainable food they have grown themselves
What is
the relationship between problem solving and real world problems?
Step 1:
Step 2:
with using survey data from forms, statistics in the community
the problem
Step 3:
Crazy 8s
- fold paper into 4 and can only draw - stand up to do it - more creative
diagram for critical thinking
have 3 ideas but want to evaluate on set of criteria. So what idea meets all
criterias the best
Step 4:
group of participants
evaluation feedback form
Step 5 -
take action and reflect
and progress template
steps will guide our design in teams
links to community
Wows and
wonder feedback
Came up
with the whole project in 90 mins - really enjoyed the process for this project plan
as part of the process not always the end product
Winners - plans are in the OneNote
Group 16
- isms of the world
Problem -
low level isms of student speech - 360 immersive video to experience isms
Group 4 -
melting pot
Sense of
identity - very different communities
a community and what we share in values
Ākonga to
decide how to identify themselves and connect them together
by who's come before us and looking at who comes after us
Group 9 -
turn me off
What does
it take to power a school
agency on where to take this
NZ MIEE Hui 2019 notes day one
These are my notes from Day One of the Microsoft Innovative Expert Educator hui held in Auckland. Amazing speakers and a great weekend connecting with like-minded kaimahi.
Getting the most out of being an MIE - Sonja Delafosse
You get out what you
get in
Join the global FB
Open the One
Notequick start guide
Get involved with
global connect plan
Earn a place at E
2Sydney March -26 - follow on FB
NZ selection process
Get involved in
social media
Tweet meets
Use Microsoft
Educator Centre - encourage school to do as a collaborative PD
New website in January
Become a trainer
Microsoft Education Blog https://blogs.microsoft.com/
set up learning
events and teachmeets in NZ, use flipgrid, teams
Could do own
learning marketplace
Get involved with
SDGs , WE schools -bring global learning into the classroom
Service learning and
global learning shows students they can make a difference
What is the mark you
want to leave in this world ? What is your personal philosophy?
Digital technologies curriculum and integration - Chris Dillon
Not compulsory but
are expectations
Not about devices
but how they work and solving problems
Leading Local
Curriculum Guide
55 % of NZ GDP based
around tech in 2 yrs time
Need to be trained
and need to be training
Instead of being
compulsory, they have added tech notes to NZC
Need to meet
Need to cover all
areas of tech
Hangarau has changed
Over Year 1-10
should have skills in all five areas, developing skills in context
offer a variety of
contexts and recognise links cross-curricular
responsibility to ensure DT is covered
about what computers
do but doesn't have to be on a computer
Algorithms-well described
set of instructions
recipe not
necessarily algorithm -not always choice in there so just instructions
coming up with
solutions, not just finding an answer
solves a problem or
completes a task
BBC-learning - What is an algorithm video
jigsaw , car,
animation,, exemplars in curriculum -all examples of Computational thinking
sorting, looking
for patterns, Dewey system
leave out
unimportant info
how we look at the
world is an abstraction
Algorithm design -
identify instructions in order
Hello Ruby-resource
for younger students
Computational Fairy Tales online
More resources on
his slide deck
Previously Progress outcomes. Not
therefore reporting on assessment. Give us a roadmap . Report on Achievement Outcomes not Progress Outcomes.
Focussed on outcome
but it is about how you get there
Where can you get
DTTA dtta.org.nz
Makes links to SDG
and translated to Māori
Kia Takatū - National
Digital Readiness
Cracking the code with real STEM projects - Pip Cleaves
Build learning
experiences in which students learn for their future not our past
Stem.T4L - send resources out
for a term trial
Immersive VR - under
13 unable to make the distinction so can't use immersive
3D printing and
filming can be DT
Learning challenge
Project based
learning - structured and explicit
REAL Rigorous
Engaging Authentic Learning
80% projects have to
leave a legacy in school or community - not putting the project in the skip
NSW-curriculum in
folder 48 projects there (in hui OneNote)
Literacy mapped once
Bring in experts
Legacy project
Create own
Robotic kit
helper robotic
-guide to school - My robotic helper
maths science
geography music
Blue bot better
make grid of
community - code journey to school
as authentic - fighting fires
Micro bit best place
Make micro pet
first, collect data , draw map , out to parents
ozobot - design
forces and Motion
hard to get real
Create and perform
Makey Makey -
Can make comments on
Use Tynker instead
as you can turn of commenting
EV3 Mindstorm
Lego Spike
Ready for Robocop
How cool is my
school -VR
Then older A place of
my own Year 9-10
3D Printing
-Toystory- first-steps into design thinking
Digital architect -
wheelchair what does
school need, draw up plans, design in minecraft, export to 3D printer
All achievable STEM
Film kit -School
newsroom - use greenscreen
coding kit
CoSpaceEDU TynkerMinecraft - create mods for Minecraft
Makecode Arcade -
Make code - charge to use arcade
-raise funds
Tight loose tight - start narrow, open
up, tight assessment
drone Kit - going out
Tello edu drone
-create community on floor and put person in for fire service to find
3d printflowers and colour to attract bees - 60sec documentary
STEM projects should
all have tech in them
Merge cubes - christmas
around the world
Workshop 1 - Digital Readiness - Rosalie Reiri
Kia Takatū as an assessment tool
Video of story of
Maui and Mahuika
what can we do to
push through boundaries
Mahuika - Maui
grandmother - to get rope Maui used her hair
Te Pō- one main
issue in school
Opportunity in DDDO
Issue -vandalism
This is in the
Te Wehenga - Strategize ideas
Pause to select best
solution currently
Te Ao Marama -
Create a digital outcome using your solution
A website is more
Be good to have badges for Kia
Te Whakaata
Draw design
Workshop 2 - Ngā Motu - Whetu Paitai
Got asked to build
te reo world
hard to do for
hardware barrier
first barriers to
teachers is convincing parents and other staff
barrier - outcomes in te
Teacher package -
in standard
Minecraft there is no Māori language
Now there's
instructions in Māori
Eventually want to doMinecraft in sign
World of Ngā Motu
Can't teach te reo
in isolation
All characters named
after children or friends
Words used in here
make sense in this world - relate world to item
things iron are
still there
don't want to
confuse so just some custom items
first lesson is
personal glossary
build glossary and and take a picture - goes into their portfolio
Can build up and
print out
building the world ,
capture it, own it
has a level of
can build islands
got piwakawaka, tuna, moa
sound for moa from Te Papa
Narrative of
Waharoa - whole
Marae atea open space
Get to explore marae
safely -where is space -tikanga
Go to the NPC and
learn with the students
Papa and Rangi and
children in wharenui
niche knowledge
based in English
Protection, armpits
put children under arm to protect
myth and legend
wrong -they are narrative
e.g. Maui
purpose of
model is to be representative
hook of Maui was
their representation
Built that world
with that in mind
All the places are
If you want to
engage in te reo this is not enough
use the community to
come and help build
Take to our iwi
tikanga - correct
way of doing things
No inherent tikanga
in Minecraft
Creation of own
lessons in te reo
3rd lesson build
space - explore parts + recreate
Kauri, totara
in the future want more ecology
eat birds
swamplands -
from pa and build own
hapu eventually
build North Island
in 1: 10 space -build up eventually. NPC to describe tikanga of their area
Workshop 3 - Developing effective collaboration skills through Minecraft - Trent Ray
Where can I take
Give agency and
knew they loved
playing Minecraft
set up club on how to
do basics
levelled out
had 100 students
working closely
large grid paper then
designed and allocated which parts
Already had face to
face to sort colours, mines etc
Mesopotamia -
remembered so much more
collaborate-to build
a community
How do I know they
are contributing
What are our
strengths and weaknesses first
Plan what to do before going on Minecraft
see cyberbullying
need digital conflict resolution
learning protocols
in digital spaces
Roles and
responsibilities part of planning
Need awareness of
themselves first - one could be bossy
A good leader
understands these around them
Should you assign
Depends on what you
want them to do
building future
capable learners - when assessing progress it doesn't matter
If product is
important then it may matter
If have
understanding they will be assessed on collaboration they can work better
Giving them planning
white board better sync than OneNote
steps to success - be
accountable of what needs to be done and in what order
self regulation
Post it notes
a toolkit together
Then we can assess
Design a new idea
Either redesigning existing - go on the Minecraft site and get
another education lesson
Group 2 on One Note
Really important to
have structure of goal setting and reflection
Group 3 landmark
relevant to them their awa
Give them scenarios
of what goes wrong and say how to solve
Pepeha in Minecraft
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