In the introduction session I was excited to hear about getting some ideas together for Māori Mincecraft lessons - this would be amazing and super keen to hear more about this as time goes on.
Session 1 - Computational Thinking - Becky Keene @BeckyKeene Director insight2execution
1 to 1 institute
For soft skills,
four cs
communication, creativity, critical thinking, computational thinking.
For some reason we
pigeon hole comp thinking into math and science
Becky then got us to commit to
teach computational thinking to our students
The core gets missed
Why is this
important for our students for life?
Ubiquitous computing - Computing is
everywhere and anywhere. It's pervasive - pacemakers, phones, hearing aids
Taking tasks that
are boring and delegated to computers. We don't even think about it any more.
revolution. Took the labour market and put it to machines
If we only use tech
in mind then we are slaves to that. We need to change that. Not just about
efficiency and menial tasks.
Music box first
example of computing. Wasn't designed for efficiency, designed for joy and art.
Need AI and quantum
to solve issues
We need to push
student thinking beyond what they know. We want to make this world a better
R2D2 and BB8 seem to
think, but have been programmed. Attractive because we have taken robots and
added a layer of humanity.
Gives students a
pathway to help solve problems. Layers in a human element that can be missing
in computational thinking.
Conceptualising not
programming. It's about big concepts. Understanding problems, decision making
and problem solving
Fundamental not rote
Critical for
functioning in society.
Ideas not products.
Schools have been
about students consuming and producing. We have to start
thinking about valuing ideas not products
computer science major can take on any job as they have the skills in
computational thinking
disciplinary across all of these things. It applies to all subjects, even learning
to read fits
Computational Thinking is a
problem solving process
universal components: (Spolier alert - the answers to the puzzles on the right are in the notes!)
what defines the pattern you see and focus on the important info. Extract
unnecessary info - dog and cedar not important in this puzzle.
get so wrapped up in things that don't matter. Learn to spend time where it
When you follow a step by step pattern
Game that
does riddles like this
Answer: In which
direction do you live?
to break out down into smaller parts. Eg jigsaw
When you
observe similarities and patterns within problems
Read out loud the line above:One 3 one
1 two 2s and two 1s
experiment. Relevant to life and pattern recognition.
Growing veges and the
pattern you have been doing each year
Go out to
community and find out what app is needed, write an algorithm to solve this.
What is
the change you can take when you take ct and add a human development.
Skype can
make things face to face.
"In order to accelerate our innovation, we must rediscover our soul" Satya Nadella
Session 2: Digital Tech Curriculum - Iain Cook-Bonney @iaincb and Chris Dillon @onemouse
As a young child he played cosmic
fighter game. Pages of code in magazines to type in. At young
age would be debugging and problem solving.
Had an
apple iMac in classroom when first started teaching.
needed because of only one computer.
talking about STEM online for new digi tech curriculum and new DT and HM online
at future lives for jobs and perusing and environment that we don't know what
it will look like.
Digital Tech shortage especially girls and Māori and Pasifika
that approx 55% of NZ GDP will be derived from digital products or services by
2021, currently about 6%
SDGs - How do
these fit into our schools vision and dispositions?
digital curriculum, could be more
curriculum is different from "teaching with" digital tech. Not using
devices and apps.
An article I found on teaching SDGs and am now following Koen Timmers around this as well.
Digital Tech Curriculum:
mean you do it in that order. Some students may take years to progress. Allows
for range of personal.
outcomes rather than achievement outcomes.
May go
quickly through them
CS unplugged website
Expectation of digital tech that every student can write a program by end of year 10.
This is
cross curriculum. Integrate into huge range of areas.
Some of
the least capable people in the new
digital tech curriculum are the principals.
should have capability to help lead the new curriculum, they need to be up
of ncea and digital tech people talking ?
Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko national training programme.
review, toolkits, community to share ideas
leader, can be a Pouahi. Will get a separate online course.
Session 3: XcerioDigital Skills Institute - Jonathon Jansen
office specialist competition. Was a student of that
certification. Desktop level apps
Ms tech
trust between employer and students.
for IT certification
MS office
specialist or specialise in Security, can give
them accreditation in those.
I have a
Microsoft endorsement in this area.
Way or
means for student to stand out. All have
ncea L3 but have this to prove their skills.
certified educator exam
learning goals. New version
Imagine academy is also free.
Immersion Session 1 - 3d Paint - Donna Golightly
If we don't know why
we are using anything, then the outcome is not the best it can be
Why would we use it?
It supports design
thinking strategy
Promotes future
ready skills
Supports new digi
Can use as 3D print
- real world application
Supports the 6 Cs -
incorporates, Character and Citizenship
Can use the
scaffolds or go straight in
Can create a sticker
- cut themselves out, then chose a cc photo in the world and put themselves in
it - wrote about it. Need that image on your device
Have control of what
gets cut out
Stickers can be used
in 2D or 3D - will wrap around 3D images
Can save as 3d
model, image or video
Mixed reality viewer
- what ever your camera can see is what the image goes in from of and can take
photos or videos
3D model - can
import into PowerPoint or Word or OneNote
Paint 3d in the
classroom - scaling for maths
Do everything a
Chromebook does but can do more with new Surface Go - as long as it runs
Windows 10
Immersion Session 2 Digital Custodians - Pip Cleaves
Apps to install on
Philanthropy side of
MS wanted to connect them with their community
Made 5 stories in
this project
Low cost - working
with Dept of Ed to roll out
Ngulgang digital
custodians project
Language as well as
Storyboard in
Indigenous drawing
for the card
Assignments in Teams
and Sway for learning journey
3d paint courses -
Saving - can save as
3D printer file
Can paint the white
models later
Nice that Paint3d is
not perfect. Great to teach grit
Search for Metaverse usage for school
360 video or photo puts a ball into the screen and you step into it
Can put a YouTube
video link in - upload your videos to YouTUbe
Go into Minecraft to
practice filming
Metaverse runs on
Take laptop out and
film in situ
Character in front
of green screen
Session 3 - 3.30 Electronics in cross curricular learning - Chris Dillon @onemouse
with fabric tech. Coding embroidery. How to integrate electronic outcomes into
with drama, uses with art
sculpture at level 3 filled with lights and reactive with motion
Issue is
shortage of specialists within schools.
seems hard but easier than the physics
Fits into DDDO strand, real life outcomes
Also into
control of environments
science traffic flows
systems, how they work and how humans interact, then how they control those
panels and murals into environments
online bulk buying, can put one in front of a student for $1.30. Give them
to every yr 9
Leds buy
in 1000s
is free. Works well. Has limited graphics but a lot of others can use it
Can also use Micro:bit
right driver for each board
blocks to test, model and prototype
as 3d modelling but can use as online environment - linked
into arduino
lots of objects and connecting components
Can then
code it to do the control. Uses blocky.
As you
drag components in it gives you a seed of code
Can be
learning about things but without the words of blowing physical things up
as evidence for Ncea can use snapshots
into a one note
diagrams in a different environment
diagram to decode them develop their own
there is a tutorial tab. Traffic light
In school
garden developing devices for soil testing
Take off
components and modules. Temperature sensors. A few cents a piece.
rechargeable power pack made out of laptops old batteries.
Tki task
building a greenhouse for windowsill
control, moisture unit
when soil to dry, then pump water
pitch, design pitch,. Electronic environment for a years work. DT outcome in
detection probe
ones corrode
3d print
a case for it. DDDO outcome
User magazine for micro:bit launched yesterday
Looking forward to Day 2!
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