Saturday, 21 April 2018

SCT Symposium 2018 Day 3

The final day is here - it's been great to talk with so many amazing educators and I have certainly made some great connections over the 3 days. The conference has been so well run by TRCC, Marc and Misha, and the venue is excellent. If ever you need one in Auckland - the Quality Hotel Parnell has awesome food, great rooms and lovely staff.
So, the final day. This first keynote has so many links to amazing sites and articles that it has taken me a long time to write it as I kept getting carried away looking through more and more information. I hope you click on those links and read them all as I know I learnt a lot and I am excited, and a little scared, about the future.

Keynote - Disruptive Technology- Rich Rowley, Mindlab

Passionate about educational change.
Struggled at school. Adhd. Always anxious. 
The reason he can do it is because the purpose of what they do at mind lab is important to him.
NCEA is very flexible, we just look at it wrong.
Change today is exponential. Moore's law. Digital progress doubles every 12-24 months
Time taken to reach 100 million users:
Phone book 75yrs, pokemon go 24hrs

Hololens world first holographic computer.
20yrs for mobile phone to improve. Hololens probably improve in only 4or 5
Pace of change speeding up. Hard to predict what will happen.
Disruptive tech

Digital camera did Kodak out of business

Blockbuster videostore museum video clip, showing the "Authentic recreation of a video store"
Tongue in cheek but show how quickly new tech comes in
Top 5 companies over 15 years - now all tech.
Things he likes :
Mixed reality
Magic leap company start up. Improvements over hololens but not even out yet.
This tech will transform the world. In 6yrs time you will laugh. No more laptops, interface will be  in glasses. It will know your environment. Hyper-Reality video shows a possible future. You will walk round and your every day life will be layered over with information.
Artificial intelligence AI
He has set up a computer at home that can write its own code to make music.

Google deep mind challenge match 2016
Go is a really big board, impossible for computer to win by brute force unlike chess. It beat champion Go player. Even computer scientists thought it wouldn't be possible for years. Specialist computer for just playing Go.
Artificial General Intelligence: The next web

Quantum computing, not just on or off, has maybes as well, so can be very fast.
If IBM get a 70 qubit computer working. Each calculation is performed in a separate universe.
Human genome project took 7 years, quantum computer will take 7secs.
Global connectivity, the Internet for all. Within 5 years you will access for free wherever you are.

If you are alive in 30yrs you will be alive in 1000yrs

Will robots take my job?
Honest answer, yes.
It's not a problem, it's an opportunity. Factory jobs will be taken, those workers need a more fulfilling life anyway.
By 2020 net loss of 5 million jobs. The real challenge of the 4th industrial revolution.
Not just low ends jobs. Already got AI lawyers. Super intelligent attorney  - Ross
There will still be lawyers, those with great people skills.
School system given narrow academic focus where they really need social skills.
Knowledge vs skills
Kartik Gada article: The Comprehensive Disruption of Education - I like this quote:

"The superstar of the modern age is not the person with the best degree, but rather the person who acquires the most new skills with the greatest alacrity, and the person with the most adaptable skillset."

Why is change difficult?
Need an adaptable mindset.
Schools are not risk friendly places
Top 10 skills

Collaboration vs cooperation is hard. You have to stop pretending to be good at everything. You have to make yourself vulnerable to collaborate. It's challenging. It's liberating as well. Comes from that point of vulnerability.
The people with different brains are valued. Adhd kids, autistic kids think differently, they are creative and it's now a super power. Need to celebrate and encourage them.

Futurist Gerd Leonhard on the future of jobs, work and education, the return of human only skills.

How do we stop behaving like it's 1998?
Lecturers said students aren't prepared for uni anyway.
Older generation think it's really weird how it happens now.
Hard to say the bit of paper doesn't mean anything.
No degree required for so many jobs
NZ  - Hundred of companies saying you don't need a degree.
Lots of poor people in our communities who still believe in the bit of paper. Important people understand there are other options.
Universities are becoming more irrelevant.
Moocs, online courses - Coursera.
Masters in computing, everything out of date now
Students are changing. They want to change the world. They are global. 72% want to start a business one day.
Do we cater for them or are we putting our perspective on what we think they need?
We don't want 40,000 at mindlab, we want them in schools.
Diversity goes deeper than gender, culture, race. Many people think differently and have been shafted by the system. Bipolar, dyslexic and couldn't succeed in school system. If you get written off by the system you get exposed to other things sometimes in a bad way but sometimes in a good way.
Every student should want to get up and run to school to do amazing things that inspire them.
What can we do?
Don't want creativity stifled by a system that tells her it's wrong and needs to change so she can pass a test.
Technology means people can change things themselves.
Government and ministry inflexible.
We have the tools.
None of that stuff is important
4 sentences
Agile organisations value people and relationships over processes and tools.
Value diversity. Learn how to genuinely collaborate. Schools at the moment are like a competition. Needs to change. In schools, across schools a across communities.
Dweck, read it, changed his life.
You cannot make people do anything. You only have control over yourself. Be critically reflective. What can you do better, try. Failing is life.
Ikigai chart. A reason for being.

If you want to have the mindset where you just look at the problems, that is your agency. Choose to see opportunity in everything.

Physical process of writing good to have that to build neuro process
Writing torture, when my hand starts, my brain stops, it is torture.
Should be up to kids, if they want to write then they should, if they want to type they should be able to, if they want to speak then they can.

What are the needs of the individual and how do we cater for them?

Are computers addictive?  Need to learn self management.
They are engaging, that's why we need to build skills. Some parents use it as a baby sitter. Not just parent job. It's a key competency.

What is the purpose of education? Is it knowledge or fundamental skills? System needs to change
A child's mental health is more important than the grades.
Numeracy, how much maths do you need?
What if you want to be an engineer?
If the kids want to do it let them, if they don't then don't push them.
Let them come to things when they are ready.
Change is not easy
Teaching teachers is hard.

Digital fluency. Information literacy. Those skills help them to filter what tech they use.
Skills are important. When you don't have it, Brexit and Trump are what happens.
People need to be aware that when you use systems like fb you need to be aware of how it works.

New digital curriculum. If you don't know how to do things that is a super power, if teachers know everything they give the answers to you. If they don't then students have to work it out.

Mindlab course changes your mindset. Awesome feedback.
Disobedient teaching - book to read. I also found this article by Dr Welby Ings who wrote it

Digital tech curriculum for all areas, not just tech dept - Incorporate it into all areas.
Mindset. I'm ok with not knowing, try out, fail and is ok.
Education system has a problem with failure.
Don't want teachers to pretend they are amazing at everything. Model it as teachers
Best teachers we ever had have passion

TAI Presentations - A few SCTs presented what their schools were doing around Teaching as Inquiry.
Silverstream Upper Hutt - St Patricks 
Each person has done inquiry and SLT have linked all similar inquiry together
Learning walks linked to inquiry
Goal setting part of special character
Provide evidence for PTC
Individual - 1 inquiry

Kamo High School - Carol Stanley
5 Values of TATOU
TIA uses Dialogic spiral
Readings in her TAI from papers in mindlab
Swivel camera in class to follow and can use as evidence

John Paul College
TAI using PTC as well

East Otago HS
BOT use TAI info to analyse and see where interventions are needed
Specific Reading and Writing support person

Trident High Whakatane
PD focus on culturally responsive practice
Inquiry must fall under that theme
Digital or paper booklet
Prof learning groups done through external provider around main focus
Backward mapping template to link to Teacher Standards
2 inquiries
2 observations, one linked to your inquiry
Linking PTC has had impact on TAI completion

Keynote: Rongohia Te Hau - Pedagogy Tool for Schools - HineWaitere 

Use Rongohia te Hau to move into the space of culturally responsive pedagogy.
Went back and did Masters as she had more questions than answers.
The things we puzzle through in education, we are not alone.
Star path, funded by ASB, about academic mentoring and whanau engagement.
Large institution in Whakatane and can credential up to PhD.
Not specific to Māori, but for indigenous people
Rongohia te Hau one way to reflect.
What's one connection you can make from all of the things we have heard and how can you take it back to your space?
Quite often we get energised but what happens when we go back to our space.
Peel back some of the layers. Why are we looking at cultural responsiveness and relational pedagogy (CR and RP)?
When we are in a school it is very complex, lots of layers.
Why are we currently focused on success as Māori? And why should it matter?
Eg Why are we doing it when we don't have any Māori in our school?
Why Māori when all students need support?
Need to put these on the table. Emotional response. If we don't address them we can be pushed into doing nothing.
Fear and anxiety of getting it wrong
Power is in the conversations. All impacted by this.
Silence can be inhibiters. Need to have the unconfortable conversations.
Same exam, climb the tree picture
Treat everyone the same
Equality doesn't mean justice 
3rd one shows that there are institutional barriers we need to look at.

Think about timetabling, think about practices of feeding back and engaging with whanau.

Māori learners likely experience 2011

For every Māori 5yr old that started in 2011:
In some spaces this has been challenged but not on a large scale, not just pockets

Kura kaupapa Māori.
Now have some students who have come right through from kohanga reo to PhD level.
Maori potential approach in education.
Moving from remedying deficit to realising potential
Targeting deficit to tailoring education to the learner
Problems of disfunction to identifying opportunity.

What does it look like when the talk comes off the page and becomes the walk in cultural responsive practice?

What are the indicators that show where we have moved to?

All of us are in the same waka, we need to be paddling the same direction.
When you see the anxiety if you say "I am going to call home tonight" and they cringe, says something about what we are doing.

Standards for the teaching profession. Clear desired move into CR and RP
ERO also says equity and excellence.
Partnersin learning doc, learners graphic.
Kia ekepanuku doc. What CR and RP looks like to students.
Moving from a way of doing to a way of being
How do we engage this across everything we do, not just as a one day a week.
What is the implication for all staff not just teachers and across all of the curriculum. Not just curriculum but key competencies.
Students playing cultural roulette from class to class when the bell goes.
Feel like we need to outrun this, but need to find the connections. No one right place to start. Start at whatever place, pedagogy, curriculum, where ever then move to connect everything.
Snapshots and selfies increasingly data driven.
One positive thing that has contributed to improving outcomes for Māori in our kura.
Talked with others on practice that is making an impact on Māori students and how do you know? What is the evidence, not all qualitative but quantitative as well.

Effective teaching practice
What it looks like, sounds like, feels like and what does it act like?

Rangatahi Māori act as the miner's canary. What's good for Māori is good for all.
Priority students can be seen as the canary.

If they are not living outside their comfort zone. We only plan within our place of knowing while students live outside it.

We know with frightening regularity at 5yrs old which are likely to succeed and fail. What interventions are we putting in? What value are we adding?

Data is a tool not a weapon
How do we use the evidence? Evidence of reporting can be negative to whanau. Need to be clear about the nature of the evidence and its purpose. How is it going to contribute to our conversations?
What gets measured gets done

Foundations for data use
Capacity, who has the capacity to engage in the conversations? One or two gurus or everyone?
Dataanalysis for continuous school improvement book by Bernhardt V. L. 2004
Slide Share on Data for schools. See Slide 27 - Demographic, perceptions, student learning, school processes
Overlap of data sets allow us to ask other questions like what do ESOL students believe...
Eg... What do yr 9 students feel about English?
Can ask about whanau or teachers too.
Need to go back to the evidence that made us change the thing in the first place.
Lots of our thinking is around process and structure.

Change based on evidence and needs to be connected to the need.
How normalised is evidence in your every day conversations?
The power of the observation is about having a conversation, not about feedback.
Tools are there to facilitate learning. They are open to critique of tools.
What would the ultimate pd look like for CR and RP? They wanted opportunities to grow relationships with each other, evidence based strategies from their own schools, sustainability, needed to reflect and review, alignment with values and beliefs and strategies.

Thinking about evidence, how do we use data to be serious about what would work for us.
As important for us to engage with each other as it is for our Māori students

Overall, the conference was amazing. It made me think, confirmed some of my thinking already and gave me some tools and questions to go on with. I met amazing people, the speakers were all excellent and it was a very enjoyable few days. We have set up an SCT cluster in our region from this conference and I am looking forward to learning more as the year goes on. 
I love learning.

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