It's been a real journey with ups and downs in all aspects. Looking back over this time I think there have been some interesting days. Thought I might do an overall reflection for my last one.
The opportunity to spend time with family and slow down in the rat race. I think lockdown has given us all an insight into what life would be like if we got off that wheel now and then. Spend some time just walking, playing games, just being.
I've saved money - I sure others will have too, from not buying that coffee on the way to work, or just by not going shopping just because we can. I have been donating to a few causes because I am in a position to and I think this also lets us reflect on others and how they may not be in the same position as us and how can we support that. I saw and read a few articles about companies that took paycuts to support others, and those that didn't. There has been a bit of an outcry for us all to be in this together. That's what it takes. Be kind. Help others who are not in a good situation.
Exercise - nice to have time to go for a long walk each day. I'm considering doing this anyway once we are back at school but it will start getting dark earlier so it might fall by the wayside a bit! Time to do a workout each day without having to get up at 6. That will be a shock come Monday as I have been getting up a bit later. Trying to pull it back over the last week but realised it was dark that early - bit sad.

Working from home - the chance to take a break when I needed or felt like one and the opportunity to have lunch. I've written more about the educational pros and cons in my last blog.
Making the effort to talk with people on Zoom or Google Meet. I think I spoke to more people outside of Christchurch over this time. You don't think about the geography if you want to talk to someone. Everyone is online so it makes no difference. It would be really good to carry this on to the future and remember that asking a question doesn't have to be face to face, there are a wide range of people you can ask on screen face to face instead.
Time to arrange my day how I wanted. If it was super nice I could go out in the garden for a bit and rearrange when I did some work. Nice to have that flexibility.
Time in the evenings to read, watch webinars, do some learning if I wanted, or just chill and watch some TV. I don't think I have ever watched so much TV - I'm not usually home in the evenings!
Not having routine of going to work. Although I was working from home, its hard some days to be motivated to get up and ready for the day when it would be so nice just to snuggle back under the blankets on a cold morning.
Dragonboating has been on hold. I have missed training a lot, but I have been lucky to be able to do some in the pool, but it's not the same as being in a boat. It's sad we didn't get Nationals this year but keen to train for 2021!
No shows or performances to see or do. Watching them on a screen just doesn't cut it. It will be good once we get some live shows back on track.
Many many many hours on a screen. I won't miss that. It's given me a headache on a few days with large number of calls, plus my normal screen time doing my blogs and reading.
I'm keen to support local business and so am planning a road trip or three over the next wee while. Be good to go and see people and places while supporting getting the economy back and running. I also think it would be good to travel a bit over summer and maybe see some new places. I had intended to go to Australia later in the year but am thinking that may have to wait!
Back to work tomorrow and seeing our awesome students. That will be good, definitely better than teaching online.
I might just have to do another jigsaw, might take a bit longer to finish but it was good to have one on the go. Off to enjoy the sunshine now while I can on my last day.
Making the effort to talk with people on Zoom or Google Meet. I think I spoke to more people outside of Christchurch over this time. You don't think about the geography if you want to talk to someone. Everyone is online so it makes no difference. It would be really good to carry this on to the future and remember that asking a question doesn't have to be face to face, there are a wide range of people you can ask on screen face to face instead.
Time to arrange my day how I wanted. If it was super nice I could go out in the garden for a bit and rearrange when I did some work. Nice to have that flexibility.
Time in the evenings to read, watch webinars, do some learning if I wanted, or just chill and watch some TV. I don't think I have ever watched so much TV - I'm not usually home in the evenings!
Just seeing people and having a hug - I missed that terribly. I think many people have struggled being stuck in their homes. Some not in safe environments, others lonely. I was pleased for our country that we did what we have, but it wasn't easy. I had a few down days and I think everyone has been struggling to a degree.Not having routine of going to work. Although I was working from home, its hard some days to be motivated to get up and ready for the day when it would be so nice just to snuggle back under the blankets on a cold morning.
Dragonboating has been on hold. I have missed training a lot, but I have been lucky to be able to do some in the pool, but it's not the same as being in a boat. It's sad we didn't get Nationals this year but keen to train for 2021!
No shows or performances to see or do. Watching them on a screen just doesn't cut it. It will be good once we get some live shows back on track.
Many many many hours on a screen. I won't miss that. It's given me a headache on a few days with large number of calls, plus my normal screen time doing my blogs and reading.
Moving forward
I'm still not keen to go shopping in the mall - too many people there at the moment, I'll give it a week or two before I go and get the much needed clothes and maybe I'll have a look around for some smaller stores to support. I also will give the desperate people time to get their haircuts before I book one in, I'm quite enjoying having my hair a bit longer for now.I'm keen to support local business and so am planning a road trip or three over the next wee while. Be good to go and see people and places while supporting getting the economy back and running. I also think it would be good to travel a bit over summer and maybe see some new places. I had intended to go to Australia later in the year but am thinking that may have to wait!
Back to work tomorrow and seeing our awesome students. That will be good, definitely better than teaching online.
I might just have to do another jigsaw, might take a bit longer to finish but it was good to have one on the go. Off to enjoy the sunshine now while I can on my last day.
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