I think today went a bit better. I still find the day really busy and not the easiest to balance. I need to take breaks and just switch off to make it work. One of my colleagues shared a reflection he did back when our kura first opened. He talked about the implementation dip which you see when you effect change. So apt for this situation right now. I think the implementation dip was a great thing to remind us that this change is not easy and will take time!
"Appreciate the Implementation Dip: All successful schools experience “implementation dips” as they move forward (Fullan, 2001). The implementation dip is literally a dip in performance and confidence as one encounters an innovation that requires new skills and new understandings. Leaders who understand the implementation dip know that people are experiencing two kinds of problems when they are in the dip—the socialpsychological fear of change, and the lack of technical know how or skills to make the change work." From Michael Fullan's "Leading in a Culture of Change"
I have 2 blogs to do at the moment, one for work and one from an online meeting I want to write up, so will try and get them done over the weekend!
Saturday 18 Apr

I needed some down time after that so went for a walk and then did some jigsaw for a while. The weather cleared up and I got our into the garden to gather some of the amazing fruit I have at the moment. I am really pleased that I have so much food growing in the garden. It is something that takes time and effort, but also has rewards, especially at times like this!
The afternoon brought a welcome Zoom call - one with the cast of 'Hair" which I did back in 1998 with Showbiz. It was great to catch up with many of the cast and crew from all over the world. We should do this sort of thing more often but we don't think about it. One good change from being online - we seem to be more connected than before. Time to stop and think about what is really important.
Sunday 19 Apr
I totally forgot to write this on Sunday. I had a day off. I wrote my blog on the course that I did on Saturday then spent the rest of the day chilling out. I played Talisman with my son and then spent the evening watching TV and reading. It was really nice actually! Oh, I did manage to clean the house at one stage.
Monday 20 Apr
It's been a busy day. Work seems to be busier every day we have. I have more and more ākonga wanting to connect which is great. It's been an interesting time and I think it will take weeks for it to really get settled. In some ways I hope we have those weeks and I think there are some positives we can take from this crisis teaching. Being able to look at things differently and try new ways of doing things is great. Pushing the boundaries has always been my way in education so I'm loving this in some ways.
I ordered this magazine for wellbeing - it looks great and keen to see what it has to offer, both for me personally and for work.
Looked at doing this course on weaving - it looks great, just not sure if I really am motivated enough, but keen to look into it... maybe tomorrow...
Credible assessment for NCEA
Tuesday 21 Apr

Finally finished the latest jigsaw - Wasjig11. Hope lockdown doesn't continue for too much longer, I'm running out of jigsaws!!
Spent some time reading different article and pages I follow - I am particularly into The Great NZ NCEA Hackathon 2020 on Facebook. This is a page of educators who are using NCEA in different ways - transdisciplinary and project based. Love it. I am learning lots.
I had an email recipe exchange today. It's like a chain letter with recipes. I found it really hard to send to 20 people - I really don't have that many emails addresses for people. It made me think about how we communicate now. Very interesting.
Wednesday 22 Apr
It's been a busy day. I think I am getting even busier online as more of our students decide it's time to do work. I actually got a bit of a headache today, just being on a screen for so long. I had to take a good break (and do more jigsaw) before feeling like looking at one again to do this.
A few things that have struck me today. I want to help others and I am not always sure of the easiest way to do this. How can we help financially - I am lucky enough to have an income, how can I help those that don't? I know there is the foodbank project which I already subscribe to, but what else? I saw that eatlocal.nz gave some cheap packages away to others today, but they sold out so quickly. How many companies are doing this? I really don't know. There would be a market for this - how to donate.....
I went for a walk today and saw this really cute corgi - with a tail. It was so happy - it made me smile. A lot. That's a really good thing right now as I feel we don't always smile enough. The lady that owned it explained to me that it had a normal tail for a corgi (I thought it was a cross or something) - it hadn't been docked. How awesome. Love it.
I went supermarket shopping. It was a real eye opener as I feel we have slackened off a bit. It didn't seem to be the same with people avoiding each other - I think we are getting a bit complacent and hope that we don't go backwards once we go to Level 3.
As I edited this I have been noticing I always mis-type a few words, you may notice these - from becomes form, really is often relaly - Why is it the same words? Interesting.
Time to post this - it's been weeks today since we went into lockdown. It's May next week. Wow. Oh, and I still haven't written one of the blogs I meant to do a week ago - work got in the road. Maybe this weekend....
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