Friday 27th Mar - I only know it's Friday because I put the rubbish bins out last night!
Last night we had the first EdchatNZ for a while. I had forgotten how fast these chats go - I was really having to concentrate to keep up, but such a wealth of information from so many kaiako around the country. I added a few more docs to my site from the conversation, and also from my Facebook reading. I must say, I am enjoying the amount of time I have to upskill and read articles. Love learning!
Talking about loving learning, I am now on week 2 of the Social Emotional course and have put my notes on another blog post.
Today was a mix of work, jigsaws and exercise. I am still getting through 8 or 9 of my list of to do things each day which I figure is pretty good. My son went to the supermarket today to get some essentials, I've been baking and making soups so needed a few things to keep that up. I did like a comment form a friend today - he bought wine and ice cream in his shop and when they asked if that was essential, he told them his partner would probably murder the children if he didn't get them! I can totally understand.
One thing I love is the creativity of people that is coming out while we are at home. There are so many amazing videos coming out on FB, on the news and on YouTube. It would be great to have all of this every day!! Lots of humour and lots of craziness. It's good to have a laugh.
I bought a colouring book online today. Couldn't resist. Joe Mcmenamin has made this great colouring book that has information about our NZ birds and is just gorgeous and costs only $10 for a download that you can print out many times at home. If you have a printer at home and a few colouring pens or pencils then this is a great option. I'll be colouring in this week for sure. Reminds me of having my concussion - many days at home with not a lot to do and colouring in was my saviour over that time.
Going for a walk today there were a lot more people out walking. I can only think this will be good for the health of our nation eventually - getting out for a walk is probably not normal for a lot of people and I hope everyone will take advantage of the time to get a bit fitter, not just sit on the couch. Speaking of that, I just heard tonight that Les Mills is teaming up wth TVNZ to do workout sessions free on TV. Monday 9am TV1 and TV 2 at 3pm for teenagers - might be worth a look!
Saturday 28 Mar
Had a nice quiet day off today - lol!!

Had some good conversations with my daughter today and she said something that really resonated with me. We were talking about the difference now to the aftermath of the earthquakes and she said that we had swapped the physical essentials for the emotional essentials. After the earthquake we struggled for power, water, food whereas now we have all of those but don't have the social contact. A lot of things are the same, no school, no traffic, many places are shut but those things are different. I thought about this for quite a while today. It's certainly bringing back memories of the quakes and many families will feel the same but different as well.
I was also thinking more about education and how we can reinvent some things. What can we do to make it more equitable in this situation? How can we change what we do and how we do it, and how can we not go backwards once things are a little more 'normal'? There are lots of things going through my head today, with time to think.
I am blessed to be in a good situation at the moment, but I know many others are not. It hurts sometimes.
Sunday 29 Mar
Had a great Skype chat with my cousin in England this morning. We try and catch up when we can and it was really interesting to see the similarities in the way the countries are dealing with COVID19. It was good to check in with the whanau, make sure my relatives were all OK over there. It may mean a change in him coming here next year which was planned - could be a while before we see each other in person again.
I had already decided that this weekend was going to be a full rest weekend, trying not to do any work or anything too much but still keeping up with a few of the things on my list. I have been very tired and I think quite stressed over the last week. I realised how stressed when I came to the realisation that I really needed to go to the supermarket today. I have been avoiding it for the last week due to crowds and panic buying but it got to us needing some basics. I really struggled to get out of the door. Tears and a mild panic. Going into the unknown, people around, not wanting to go near anyone, how was I going to cope? I went armed with gloves and a strategic plan that my son helped me put in place so I felt more comfortable with venturing out. It's amazing how much anxiety I have at baseline level and when the chips are down it surfaces. It gave me flashbacks to the earthquakes, putting on a brave face for my children but underneath having a huge fear and stress levels were through the roof. I am lucky now that my children are now young adults and we all share the anxiety gene so we have a joint understanding of what this feels like. Anyway, I made it. Thank goodness I bought wine is all I can say. It felt very odd with so few people around and people keeping their distance for the most part.
Coming home was a relief and I finally immersed myself in a jigsaw for a while, then sat and completed my Coursera blog and then this one.
Time to relax for the evening. Think I might pour myself a wine.
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