These are my notes from the Changing Spaces workshop held at Rototuna Junior High, Hamilton. They are not edited particularly, so some may not make sense, but they are here for others
to read and get ideas from. I have more photos and details if you want more, just ask!
Mark Osborne - Opening Keynote
Mark talked about
the change taking place in society and how different things will be in 13 years
Years ago -2004DARPA Grand Challenge million dollar challenge - an autonomous vehicle and now
look where we are. 10 million people will lose jobs because of driverless cars. Driving big rig on US. Roads - now being done with driverless vehicle.

Automated narrative generation. Looks at data
and emulates the style. Works with statistics
Robots writing poetry and reports.
Communication important still, not writing though. Radiologists 7% wrong, where
as robots can be 100% correct. SAM the Robot does not need a salary when laying bricks and can work 24/7.
Robot outperforms human surgeon. Shift in
skills required. Where should we focus our attention? 885,448 jobs will be at
risk. Need to reskill.
We are fighting
We need to have
aspirations for the green
Brain activation
during task -Miller. Averaged them all but he worked out that if we taught the average we would miss 14 of
the 16.
"Neuroscience is crystal clear on this point: when it comes to the brain, just like when it comes to learning, variability is the rule, not the exception." Dr. Todd Rose
What are we doing?
Working in teams
algorithms can be done by computers
Computer Science degree out of date
in a few years because of changes to technology
important in workforce: (suited for rows of desks in schools)
routine or repetitive
problems using straight
on your own
existing rules or models to
solve problems
on formal schooling
important in workforce: (suited for ILEs)
non-routine and unique,
unstructured problems that
don't have easy solutions
in (diverse) teams
approaches to respond to new
on ongoing (life-long) learning
from Levy & Murnane 2013)
Traditionally teachers were all of the knowledge knowledge in a building. now:
photo math solves problems just by scanning it
translate it - can translate almost any language
augmented reality on fixing pump - so you can see how to do things yourself
Mark then went on to talk about negative feedback about ILEs in the media:
Not everybody
understands. Been some negative stuff but she's right spaces don't make
the difference.
"Buildings alone are not enough; it is about relationships and changing cultures and practices."Blackmore, Bateman et al. (2011)
"Well-designed primary schools boost children's academic performance in reading, writing and maths. Differences in the physical characteristics of classrooms explain 16% of the variation in learning progress over a year. "Barrett & Zhang (2015)
Nothing wrong in calling for research. But no
research behind streaming or banding no evidence to say sitting in rows work. Where is the evidence to say the current system works? The evidence says it's not.
from collaborative partnerships and
co-teaching included: increased overall
achievement, fewer disruptive problems,
and decreased referrals for behaviour. Teachers
also reported being
happier and not feeling so isolated.
The tensions of co-teaching - negotiating team-based conflictsPresenters: Paula Wine, Rebecca Foster
Started with shared
Vision. They do an
induction. Need a why and a vision.
All staff are given a copy to read and reread "The Rhetoric and the Reality" by David Hood
Agree on behaviour
management. Need to get it right from the start.
Tracking students
they use supervising teacher groups
4 teachers 109 students they put priority
learners and ES0L apart
No recipe. Depends
on students. 4 workshops vertically grouped for 20 min each of the same concept
keeps them moving. Duration of the term one semester then it changes for the
students. Teams mixed regularly
Year 7 and 8 different
to 9 and 10 who are used to changing teachers.
Giving students
choice to make sure they cover everything. Upskill students to teach parents
about what they are doing. Student perspectives
of learning in a flexible space.
They start with this
tool. When the teams don't do this, it falls apart. Do individually first, then
get together and add.
Great to find out
what they feel will make them happy. They do this each module. Good to
understand where they are coming from.
How long will
meetings be? Need to work on who does what and workload even.
Pet peeve being late
means trying to be on time
Co teachings VS cohabitating
Working with Personalities and Communication
Personality test - If you want more info on this, I have a handout!
We did this test and it put us into one of four quadrants:
Doer, Talker, Thinker or Upholder
Commmunicating with Talker - you need to make it fun-talk lots
Upholder -make it nice want harmony
Doer - get it done get to the point. If you
are aware then makes it easier
Thinker- get it right data, facts
What happens when we are a stressed? Can default back to base personality
Being aware of types
can't change how they are but being Ok with that help
Have time released
together to plan.
Elephant in the room what is not 0k? Use post
it notes
Water cooler -whats
happening for you - use a Padlet. What can we do to resolve it?
Kitchen table. Time to come together and talk
Useful for students
as well
LMS is key into teaching, looking at Schoology Needs to be collaborative
Agreed systems:
What do we feel aboutFeed back, moderation
feed forward
All students need to access feedback the same
Peers help access feedback -they mark a
third each week.
eing engaged is knowing a teacher will look at
work. Have exemplars, moderation.
Trust is essential
Nothing good comes of talking behind back in
or people to talk to each other. Need to talk directly to person.
Never do induction as well as the early days. Often
new staff with experienced teacher anyway.
Always start a staff meeting with fun-
usually a game to build team. Something to use with students too.
Education Perfect
-can do test and then it is targeted learning form there
Get to show adults what they have done.
A Year of creation, collaboration and evaluation
Presenters: Jason Sharma and Jordan Neil
We were lucky to go for a tour through the Senior High area of Rototuna which has just opened this year.
Jason - Maths and Commerce
Jordan -Eng and
Media Studies
What would we have
wanted to know before starting this journey? (They started this year with 100 students at Yr 11/12)
Like building a plane while flying it.
Always do circles
with sensitive topics - small enough staff to do that
Jenny Mosley - share
the highlight of the day - can pass
Full school approach
- do Mon and Fri - behaviour strategy as well
They talked about co-teaching strategies
based approach? Harder to get curriculum areas covered. Started with that and
found it really hard to integrate the assessment. Look at the assessment skill
at the same time.
strategic in assessments you can offer - some that you can offer - Stats.
Science there are some Yr 11 and 12 in same modules. Only offering 2 standards of stats for the semester.
and projects and Tertiary.
Goal is
depth not getting credits.
needed for endorsement. Don't have a huge emphasis on that unless needed for student/
Or just
connect with another curriculum area - which is what they have done.
and Pastoral role for all staff
track themselves - they use KAMAR as an LMS
- each student needs an advocate - emails go to the teacher assigned. Anxiety and wellbeing -
relationships - heavy investment of time outside. Trust. Dean, pastoral.
wellbeing comes first - refer on, they don't take on that hat of counselling.
They have
deans as well and a DP
to oversee.
clear pastoral system. Know what you are referring and what not.
- know who they are through tracking. Can say they want to focus on own need.
They buy
into the module. Requires a lot of planning - a lot of accountability
teachers and 2 curriculum areas per module
Level 2 NCEA over 2 years
dating to find who they wanted to work with for modules - had 5 mins to pitch your subject and you could see that you matched.
There are
natural ones
What is
English about? What is it you want your students to be able to do - looked at
the curriculum
packed the curriculum. What is the meaning of the subject and the skills in it.
Use of
patterns and relationships for stats - what other subject can do this.
brother module - looking at ethics
Media -
understanding ethics
English -
write a report or do a speech
Stats - do the numbers
If you know your subject well, it can
be quite engaging
15 weeks
a module
learning time - can opt into that for externals
Ehara taku toa, he takitahi, he toa takitini
My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, as it was not individual success but success of a collective
Changing Minds and
changing lives through changing spacesPresenters: Rosalie Reiri and
Pania Smith
How you were reflected in your school spaces?
Books-Māori not
shown in a positive light
NZ Lit in 1950's The
Kind Teddy Bear
The Ring Inz Māori
Comedy about kapahaka
Being connected is
key impact for students
Travis a Yr11 student from Rototuna repeated struggled at Girls High and another school. Expelled from both.
"My teachers gave up on me before I gave up on
myself". Got an interview. Natasha let her in and she was so happy. It was hard as
2 others gave up on her. Kapahaha, Te reo, Mau Rākau -Maori fighting
Teachers showcase us
Māori teacher key factor
Strategies to engage Māori learners whānau
Kapahaha as a
Have high standards
Gets whanau in to watch them get ready, have kai,
plus staff giving info for dates. Took others out to help in Kitchen. Best for
them to go out and help
Set the bar high.
My view of what they should have is different
to the students. Need to reconnect to Marae and tikanga
Having access to te
reo means family learning too.
Matua always picking kids up. Not having to worry about transport
Included whanau by asking them to come in and
share talents.
Role models are really important. We all have a
responsibility to make these kids amazing.
McFarlane Bringing Māori into mainstream
Went on hikoi around the area. Cultural
Welcome at end of
year for new staff. Older staff said they have to go on hikoi. Give people time to own and think Māori
Interview with Anaru McKeogh (teacher at Rototuna)
Integrated learning through mau rākau
Māori teacher working with the maths teacher and the science teacher to integrate the learning.
MMA=Mixed Mathematical Arts
Me mate ururoa, kei mate wheke - Die like shark and not like an octopus
Teachers are learners
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